It has been a unique experience to volunteer for hospice, but one I appreciate being able to be a part of. Besides assisting the dying and their families with whatever they need, they help me in return as well. The help they give me goes unseen, it is a mental and spiritual process deep within me. I have been able to see life from a different perspective and it oftentimes leads me to question my path I am walking on life. Are my priorities in the right place? Am I choosing to smile each day? Do I truly appreciate my family, love them and do I let them know? Life is short...what type of impact am I making on others? I know I will never be perfect in this life, but I can always improve little by little. The people I have been able to meet through hospice have helped me see things I need to work on to become a better person. Each of these individuals I have met through hospice are great people. They have each touched my life in a special way and I love each of them. I am very grateful for them and what they have taught me. They have lived and live a life of example and I hope one day I can look back and know that I did the same.
During this holiday season (and every other season in the year besides November and December) I hope that we can all find a deeper gratitude for our family and friends. Each individual has the capacity to influence others for good and make a lasting impact on them. I hope that we can reach out to those who do not have family and who are in need of company and invite them into our homes (or visit them in theirs) and love them and get to know them. Life is a very short trip, and it is important to remember that we are all in the same boat and need to lift and encourage one another and notice those who need a helping hand and someone to love them. Choose to smile, choose to give, and choose be grateful.
Life is a beautiful, limited gift, choose to make the most of it by doing good around you.
Happy Holidays to all of you.