Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday Thought

Well hello there!

This blog has been sleeping for some while and I decided this morning to wake it up from its slumber with a spiritual Sunday post. This morning I was reading from the Book of Mormon and came across a verse that produced a couple thoughts I wanted to share.

"Nevertheless, the Lord did suffer it that he might show forth his power..." (1 Nephi 18:11)

I love the perspective of this verse that God is evident during all times in our lives but especially during the hard times. This verse helped me realize that during trials I shouldn't ask "Why me?" but rather "What is God helping me to see?" and "How is God helping me through this?"

I have personally found that God helps me see my own weaknesses during trials and that he allows hard things to happen to me in order to mold me into someone better if I choose to do so. Life is full of choices and although we cannot choose what does or does not happen to us, we choose how we handle the trial and what personal characteristics we develop and use during the hardship and afterwards. Are we choosing bitterness? Humility? Hatred? Love? Anger? Understanding? Some events in life we don't control but we can control our response. 

During a difficult time, blessings of help are noticed if you look for them. I know God is aware of us always, but especially during trials and I see God aware of me through helping hands of friends and family, He is the extra strength I use to pick myself up each day, the endurance to keep going, the voice cheering me on in my mind when I want to give up, and the comfort I feel when I think I am all alone. 

I know He loves all of us, can help us grow, and is there for each of us in the way we need it most. 

To close up this post, here is my favorite scripture of all time:
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13)

Whatever you are going through, you will make it through. The sun always comes after the storm.

Happy Sunday. 

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